Protect what is priceless

Dive in Faraday’s Vulnerability Management Platform

Protect what is priceless

Dive in Faraday’s Vulnerability Management Platform

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Change the way you do cybersecurity

Faraday provides a smarter way for Large Enterprises, MSSPs, and Application Security Teams to get more from their existing security ecosystem.

Some of the companies that trust us


Normalize and Integrate
security tools

Get vulnerability data from more than 150 integrations.


Faster vulnerability
managing and prioritization

Built around collaboration, manage, tag, prioritize with ease.


Automate with Agents
and Workflows

Automate vulnerability response to remediate faster.

A 360° flexible overview

Optimize your security posture by drastically reducing the time spent on executing, managing, and prioritizing

Some of the leading security scanners we support

Some of the ticketing tools we integrate with
Avoid repeating single tasks

Built with an automation
framework in mind


Trigger any action with custom events built to avoid repetitive tasks.


Integrate scanners automatically into your workflow, scan, ingest and normalize data easier than before.

Seamless Deduplication

Faraday automatically identifies and merges duplicated issues coming from multiple tools.

Make vulnerability management faster, smarter, and more efficient

Make vulnerability management faster,
smarter, and more efficient

Faraday was designed to ease every step of your job. Here’s how:

Go to "How to"

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Enhanced Vulnerability Management Guide Using Open-Source Tools

In the dynamic world of IT security, proactive vulnerability management is key. This comprehensive guide introduces…

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Release v5.2.0

Welcome to another great version of Faraday. This time, we introduce new methods to make your workflow even more…

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Good practices in Cybersecurity – Part 2

Nowadays, we can distinguish various branches within a security team Red Teams, Blue Teams, Purple Teams & Bug……

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